Choose a convenient tariff for you

Tariffs are not limited in time. You just have to spend all your own requests.

One-time inspection

  • $/ for key
    Price is calculated for checking positions one by one request:
    • - in 1 search engine
    • - in 1 region
    • - with 1 device type(PC / Tablet / Smartphone)
    • - 1 web resource
  • Search depth: 100
  • Indefinitely
  • Analytics and schedules for all scanned days
  • Number of projects unlimited
  • Unlimited to number of queries per day
Tariff for projects from any region


  • $/ for key
    Price is calculated for checking positions one by one request:
    • - in 1 search engine
    • - in 1 region
    • - with 1 device type(PC / Tablet / Smartphone)
    • - 1 web resource
  • Search depth: 100
  • Indefinitely
  • Analytics and schedules for all scanned days
  • Number of projects unlimited
  • Unlimited to number of queries per day
Tariff for projects from any region